Things that I (absolutely) cannot stand.
2:52 PMHello there.
Finally back once again.. and as the title suggests, I'm going to blog about the things (or/and actions & behaviour) that I absolutely cannot stand from people.
(In no particular order)
1. People who ask ridiculous hypothetical questions.
Like why would you? Do I look like a fortune-teller or someone with a similar profession to that? What exactly is your point for asking such questions? Are you trying to test my values and character?
I get offended when people ask such questions because it feels like they've a motive behind their question and they're trying too hard to hide it. If you've something to ask me, just ask. Don't beat around the bush and annoy me.
Even if they don't have a motive behind their ridiculous hypothetical questions, I get annoyed because how on earth would I know the answer to that??
Note how I emphasize on how I only get annoyed if it's ridiculous, because some the hypothetical questions that some people ask are still acceptable to me.
2. Talk about nonsensical stuff that makes zero sense.
Well, that would reflect a lot of your character. It's so obvious when you're trying to hard to sustain a conversation when all the (overly ridiculous) random topics start to come out. & some people should totally get the hint when the other party is not interested in discussing about that matter with him/her and just end the conversation. You'd just annoy me even more by continuing.
There're really just some people that I can never ever talk to. Just on different frequencies I guess. What he/she may find interesting/funny may not apply to me at all. I'm not someone who is easily amused, so please don't start telling me about the most random things and expect me to act interested and laugh along with you. Because, I am totally not interested. *annoyed*
3. Talk bad about other people behind their back.
I don't know why you'd even want to do this. Are you trying to get more people on your side? I'm sorry but I don't get affected by all the gossips you've about that person and I don't care about your opinions. I'll just depend on my own judgement and I don't need external (inaccurate) opinions about that individual.
4. Sacarsm/people who beat around the bush
Like I mentioned before, if you've anything to say to me, just say it. Don't act like you're all kind and innocent and try to make me get the hint.
5. People who make one sided agreement(s).
I'm really just so speechless about such people, but I guess they do exist. (At least from my experience)
I don't get why they do it too because it's simply forcing the other party when they're unwilling to? You just make yourself seem overly-desperate and it makes everyone unhappy? It's like you're just stuck in your own delusional world, hoping and ensuring that everything will go in the way you want it to be. I'm sorry but that world does not exist.
6. People who ask me to skip YCG sessions/church
Simply because you're not a Christian, you think these weekly sessions are unimportant? I know that you'll never understand the importance (unless you convert) but I'll still get offended when people suggest such an idea to me.
7. Step over the boundaries that you shouldn't.
This differs for different people.
Just don't probe too much about my personal life if I'm not that close to you, & don't ever act like we're that close.
These are probably the 7 top things & actions that will annoy me so I shall end the list here. I know this is a very random topic to bring up, but I was suddenly inspired (or rather, triggered) to write this. Shall not elaborate on the reason lol.
Anyway please don't think that I get annoyed by you if you think that you actually did one or more of the 7 things, because I'm probably not. If I'm annoyed, I'll show it very clearly lol. So far, only very few people have annoyed me to an extreme extent.. and I seriously hope that I'll meet less of such people in the future. *cries
Ok that's all for this post bye.