
10:06 PM

一枚硬币滚落在 人来人往大街上

谁会发现 遗忘的故事就在自己脚旁

沉沉睡在捷运车厢 直到过了站

妇人满手玉兰花 轻扣每扇玻璃窗

电影已散场 心还在飘荡

追不到的高楼大厦 在暮色中泛黄
谁会抬头 看一眼那小心期盼的目光
我的哀愁 想跟谁说说啊
看板反射孤单的身影 摇摇又晃晃
我的日子 在等谁听见啊
总是渴望 有狂舞的力量
我的愤怒 只埋在心底吗
我的快乐 有人能分享吗
骑楼下的路边摊 默默熬著一锅汤
总是渴望 能一觉到天亮
总是等待日出那道 寂寞之光
(总是等待日出以后 这世界还会有全新的模样)

我们都在 喧哗里沉默过
就像熬著 生活里说不出的酸甜苦辣
碎碎念的电台DJ 对什么人说话
有时候只是想在天空 开出一朵花

最后我们 一点点蜕变了
我们都在 狂欢里失落过
我们都为 某个人努力过
我们都曾 软弱想放弃过
可是我们 还是走过来了
(在生命中守护我们 热烈拥抱时的寂寞的光亮)
在生命中守护一道 寂寞之光

Really love this song by 梁文音 so much! Been playing it so many times while travelling around and I haven't gotten sick of it. #achievement

I guess one reason why I love this song so much is because I feel like it's so relatable! 

I especially love the part in bold above! 

Like how we're all changing from the things we face in life, how we ever faced despair even in the happiest moments, how we ever tried so hard for one person, and finally, how we had the temptation to give up in face of tough situations. But the most important conclusion of the day is that, we've been through all that and emerged even stronger mentally after.

I know that it's kinda just a direct translation lol but I really just can't relate to that part of the song more, like it just summarized my life in 5 sentences. 

This is probably the song that best describes my life right now too, like how I find joy in being alone and make an effort to spend some time by myself. Just really love her songssssss. :-)

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