10:25 PM
Looking totally crazy here but I was rather surprised to find this picture of me looking so happy taken back in 2013 during our family trip.
Been looking back at old pictures during this long break from work. Really can finally feel that so many things have changed ever since.
My harddisk contains of my memories since 2006. That's since primary 4. I realized how I was really happy during the different years, but the happiness is often lost and replaced the following year. So year after year, people left, but the memories still remained. I must admit that I feel sad that I'll probably never be able to recreate similar memories with some people. but life is just like so, I've to move on. It hurts, but that's the only way for growth. They are all part of God's plan to drill and make me into a better individual.
Despite the sadness I felt while looking through the images, I'm glad that I've something to look back on. It's also interesting to see how much I've grown throughout the years. With the different happenings in my life, I've became who I am today.
I've actually more to post about but I shall save it for another day.
Today also marks the 4th year since Grandpa left us. Missing him more than usual. Really died inside when I looked at the last few pictures we took together when he looked so frail and weak. Although he was suffering inside, he still kept on that smile for our picture. It's so heart-wrenching. One thing I'm really glad about is that I was really with him at the end of his journey. When I was young, he was the one who fed me my meals. But after he got diagnosed with cancer & got so weak to the point that he couldn't have his meals by himself, I got the opportunity to feed him his meals. I still have a lot of regrets though, that I didn't appreciate well enough when he was still healthy.
Really missing you so much dearest Grandpa, I really hope you're doing fine wherever you are right now.