Commencement 2016

9:04 PM

On to the two commencements I've attended this year! Doubt I'll be attending any others so here goes~

A pretty horrible attempt at making cards, but I really loved the marble-print envelope I self-made on the left! The prints aren't that visible in this picture though. 

First was for the dearest sister! Couldn't get flowers before her ceremony cause it was a morning ceremony + we went there together! Was considering not getting any till I saw them selling flowers at UCC itself lol.

Snapped a few photos before the ceremony and some in between.

And yay to the first graduate among the 3 of us! Really proud of what you've achieved, but I know you'll achieve much more in the future! So this is the start of greater things ahead, with Him of course. & thank you for always giving me advice about many different things throughout my education life! Thank God for placing you in my life. :')

At the second! Pretty flowers but unfortunately, they're not meant to live for long. :-\

Looking really tired but since it's the only shot we got with your grad robe.. anyway happy graduation to you too! Though this degree probably wasn't easily earned for you, but thank God that He has provided before you started and also throughout the 4 years till your graduation! & thank you for inviting me to witness this significant milestone in your life! Continue to shine for Him in whatever you do :-)

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