time out

1:52 AM

The past four to six weeks have been a rather draining one for me.. because I haven't had the time to be by myself properly...

Finally got that time on a train ride back home today, and I can't be anymore thankful for it. Quietened my heart and mind, and naturally, He came in and spoke to me through Jeremiah 33:2:

This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it - the Lord is his name: 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.' 

To be honest, I was struggling rather badly for the past few weeks. I felt like everything was consuming me with the need to face the ongoing problems that my loved ones are going through daily, the pressure of my students' grades and the fear of not being able to keep up in school. I could only keep on that smile and keep reminding myself that 'I'm able to overcome all these with God'.

I knew that I needed to continue what I had always been doing, to be there for those around me who needed me.. but I just felt so tied down by my own things that my heart was no longer there. I wallowed in self-pity and thought why do I have to continue doing so when I am already so drained and worn out myself.. but the Lord came in and reminded me that I still have Him, and He will always be there for me to spur me on.

The only comfort from all these trials is that through all these, it will strengthen my relationship with the Lord. He's the first one who comes to my mind whenever I feel like I can't go on, and I'm glad that I've finally learnt how to depend on the right One.. for He never fails in providing. :-)

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