mid-week update/ramblings

3:46 PM

Feels like it's been quite awhile since I did a proper update! There are a few posts lying in my drafts, but haven't had the time to continue on them.. and I have even more things to blog about now hahaha.

As of now, Y2S1 is out of the way. It's been a crazy semester, challenging me in different ways. Maybe I'll do a proper post on this another day.. but for now, I just wanted to jot down this feeling of thankfulness and gratitude for this month.

After the previous two trips earlier this year, I thought I had enough of travelling for the year and would be fine staying put for the rest of the year. Apart from the financial considerations, that was also why earlier in the year when my friends wanted to make travel plans together in Dec, I was slightly reluctant. However at the end of the semester, I came to understand that this was God's will for me to go for it.

During the last few weeks of school, I just felt so drained and really wanted an escape. I prayed, sought Him, but the renewal I felt was always short-lived. My heart was dry. Furthermore, I couldn't see the growth I was expecting, and I constantly felt dejected and disappointed with myself.

"Is this really God's will for me?" I questioned myself again and again.
"Am I taking up something that's not meant for me (again)?" I thought again and again.
"Why am I not growing? What am I not doing right?" I wondered again and again.

"Rest," He said. 

"Let go and rest." 

And off I went for the most impromptu and unplanned trip in my life, with little expectations and entrusting everything in His hands. Indeed, He never fails and it turned out to be an amazing trip.. which I shall blog about another day.

Just really want to thank God for the good rest during that five to six days, for the renewal of my heart and soul to continue on with what's ahead.

May I always remember this purposeful trip planned by the Lord that left me with this overflowing sense of gratitude and renewal to encourage myself even as I continue in this walk with Him.

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