3:55 PMSolutions to the struggles for the past few months came in the form of 'To Commit or Omit?' talk that I attended today.
This talk gave me the opportunity to meet many individuals who were facing very similar situations. We listened to the speaker, learnt, shared and prayed for one another.
So.. to commit or omit? It's actually not a question with a choice at all.
"You are," the Lord said. We're already in from the beginning of time, born to serve in and for His Kingdom. A great call that the Lord has entrusted to all of us, one that we constantly struggle in and left in wonder if we're sufficiently adequate in the place that He put us in.
Numbers? Nope that's not our focus.
Attendance? That's not our duty as well.
Spiritual growth in all is key, to mobilize people to keep the course and spur them to live out their missionary identity.
While focusing on those who have steered away, don't forget to invest in those who're before you. Stand with them, journey with them and love them with your thoughts, word and deed.
Really powerful, clear and amazing talk that's so encouraging to us all. May I not forget the lessons learnt today and apply it in the ministry that the Lord has entrusted me, always walk in His ways and let His will be done.
"Not to us, but to Your Name."