w2 summer break

5:43 PM

Second week of summer break down. Time is actually passing quite fast and slow at the same time..? Okay that's actually how I feel during every single break lol. Now my time is mainly preoccupied with church stuff, tuition, and intern!

Definitely having more free time to myself now that school's down. Been falling sick though lol.. I should be thankful that I didn't during the semester if not I'll just crumble and faint with the amount of workload hahaha lol.

Maybe I should just take this time to look back at my second year in university. (I can't remember if I wrote about Y2S1 before lol but anyway.. here goes~)


This has been the most challenging semester so far (imo). I didn't overload or anything (probably traumatized by the previous semester), but because I was rather determined to pull my grades up after the demoralizing semester 2 in Year 1. Since the first week of school, I already stayed up to complete my readings and daily work. Every piece of assignment I did, I prepared ahead of time, took a lot of time brainstorming for the best topics of my interest and delving into the research.

I'm thankful that majority of the modules taken this semester was of my choice and interest. I guess that helped in motivating me to work harder and work on my assignments earlier too. I can still remember how I went down to NLB and took a whole pile of reference materials and just camped there for the entire afternoon and evening while working on my research paper. The expectations I had on myself made me not want to go easy on any assignments I did.. which was also the challenge for this semester.

I think I can count the number of times I actually slept on my bed during this semester because I always end up dozing off at the study table or the couch lol. I remember feeling super liberated after my last paper.. and sleeping on my bed with that sense of freedom never felt so good before.

Looking back, I don't regret the semester one bit. I'm thankful for the challenges posed to me in this semester and for all the learning and growth throughout. Nerdy as it may sound.. I felt so so so happy even while doing my final finals paper on Politics. Just felt so thankful that I was able to study and sit for a paper of my field of interest.

Also thankful for the people who journeyed alongside with during the semester!! :-)

CF Camp: Committee

CF Camp: Group 8

CF Camp: Stirrers Reunite

Together Thursday 1

Study sessions with QR


Random lunch with Van

Last class for Diaspora

 Last class and meal for the semester

Insane more than 12h of mugging session in school

Haha and this reminds me of the really nice GrabHitch driver. I booked a GrabHitch to head over to school to study on this day and the driver happened to be a NTU student who's heading over to study as well. He was really friendly and nice (actually most GrabHitch drivers are) throughout the ride. But.. he was like super extra nice..?! Because all the food stalls in school are usually closed over the weekend, he actually offered to buy food for us. I was quite shocked lol but thankful enough to have met such a nice fellow schoolmate.. and he even went on to offer me a free ride home lol ._. Of course I didn't accept any of the offers lol but just really thankful to meet such a nice person at the end of that crazy semester!

Really all thanks to God for the blessing me and all the mercies throughout that challenging semester! :-)


I think this could possibly be my "most chill" semester ever? In terms of my school schedule and my attitude I guess.. at least at the first 1-2 weeks lol. A three day school week probably made me have the more relaxed attitude this time round. I've previously posted about the struggles that I faced at the start of the semester, and there were so much more unexpected things that kept popping up along the way. 

That were the challenges that I faced this semester apart from not really getting modules of my choice and interest. But still, really thank God for leading me through it all!

Last day of the semester

CFTAD Committee

And with this, I'm 1/2 done with my university life! It didn't feel exactly fast, but I'm really not looking forward to entering the workforce at the same time. :-(

Guess adulthood is approaching quick.. but I'm really not ready to take on the responsibilities. :-(

Whatever it is, I shall enjoy the break I have now first. :-)

Till the next post~

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