Caught Mary Magdelene with my friends after our church service today.
It wasn't a great movie - at least in our opinion. My friends dozed off, some left midway to head out for a breather, and the content just left most of us confused.
One scene though - despite the peripheral inaccurate representations - stood out for me.
Jesus' crucifixion on the cross.
I could not bear to watch that scene. Closed my eyes in between the scenes, but it couldn't stop my heart from hurting.
The hurt, shame, and our sins that He had to carry on the cross - how often do we remember of this great sacrifice and love for us?
The nail pierced hands and feet, the crown of thorns - it must have hurt a great deal.
Yet, we fail Him everyday. Forgetting this great sacrifice completed on the Cross for us.
When will we really learn?
May the Lord always remind me of the great sacrifice and love that He has showed us and for me to walk closer in His ways with each passing day.
I don't ever want to take His love for granted.