Trusting God is knowing peace.

11:50 PM

Pointers to constantly remind myself about.

So it's been about two weeks since my last post? That was really fast. I can still remember how I lamented about how time was going by too slowly during the first two weeks of my holidays. Now, with work, time really flies. Just week after week, looking forward to Fridays/Saturdays just to have a good sleep. 

About my job, I guess it's still rather fulfilling so far as I'm learning new things. Sometimes it can get really boring though when there's nothing to do (Yes I'm complaining about having no work to do lol). Thankfully I have Cuz by my side to kill the boredom. :-)

Started my second job as well which is something that I've always wanted to try, & I'm really so glad I did. Compared to my first job, the pay is much lesser, but I feel that it's one of the best jobs I've taken on thus far. I guess, maybe with this opportunity, I'll be clearer about the path I want to take from now on. 

Although it was a really exhausting two weeks, I don't regret it one bit. Instead, I'm rather glad being so busy because at the very least, it keeps me away from negative thoughts. So many things have been happening, and I really felt as though my mind was going to explode. At least, when I'm busy, I'll not think about it, or just have lesser thoughts about it. I guess it just seems like I'm escaping from the problem, but I'm proud of myself for not crumbling down and just whining like a baby about my plight. Been trying to get myself to believe that time will cause all these pain to fade, and I believe God will help me out to get through this ordeal, which he had already proven so previously. 

Right now, I just want to cast aside all those unhappy happenings.. it'll be hard, but if my will is strong enough, I'll be able to. I will try to remind myself of the happier things in my life. :-)

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