Giving it all away

1:16 AM

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do,
and He will show you which path to take.

Dear Jesus,

I have a confession to make. At times, I feel afraid to entrust everything to You. I know that You love me and want only the best for me. Still, it's so hard to give up total control of every aspect of my life. When I have trouble, I'm eager to give You my problems. But when things are going well, I'm not as quick to give my everything away.

My concern, Jesus, is not knowing. If I give you my everything, I want to know what You plan to do with it. Will You make big changes? You know that I don't do well with change. Will there be valleys along the way and mountains to climb?

I should just trust You. I want to trust You more and more each day. Dear Jesus, I pray that you will help me with this. Teach me that I needn't be afraid, Help me give You my everything - all my heart and not just some parts of it. Take my hand and lead me, one step at a time.



A prayer from a book I got back at Sydney and this is exactly how I'm feeling. I just felt so overwhelmed by fear till I'm doubting certain choices I made recently. But I forgot that doubting in the choices I made is equivalent to doubting God's plan for me. That should never be the way because that'd only mean that I'm not trusting the Lord with all my heart and I'm just depending on my own understanding based on societal influences. I need to remember that God is perfect love, and His plans for us are built on the basis of the love for us. Because He loved us, gave us His one and only Son so that we will be granted the gift of salvation. I need to constantly remind myself of God's vast and great love for all of us and trust in Him more. Remember that God has a greater purpose for all these ongoing changes.

Thank God for this timely wake-up call.

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