even when it hurts
11:09 PM
Now I know
I have seen
The glory that cannot be unseen
I am changed
Changing still
As I look upon the Lord and believe
Holy is the Lord revealed before my eyes
And my burning heart can scarcely take it in
As I behold your beauty with unworthy eyes
The only song my soul can find to sing
Is Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah my King
This year's really one that challenged me in many areas of my life. There were instances of joy, but much more tears as compared to any years before.
Been feeling really distant from a lot of people and things as of late.. but it really gets tiring to have to keep up with all the changes around me. It's really through all these that I learn how to be thankful in the most difficult times, treasure those who truly matter, and grow through the experiences.
Just really wanted to thank a special friend who's been there since the start of the year. Thank you for sticking by throughout the past few months, always being there, taking care, motivating me and reminding of God's enduring love for us. & really thanks for the best day I had in this entire week, chilling by my one of my favourite environments and just sharing random conversations.
He suggested to head here after I shared with him how I felt constantly plagued by work.. like how I haven't been able to find proper rest in my thoughts & mind for the past few weeks. And it really helped me to clear my thoughts for that evening, just putting everything aside, trusting God and finding rest in my heart.
Thank you for having me at your special event as well! Really thankful to God for this special friendship over the past few months.
May we continue to grow in the Lord increasingly with whatever that may come our way. :-)