Why I hate the word 'clique'.
8:06 PM
Hello again.
Rather than updating about my life, I'd like to talk about something that (kinda) always bothered me.
As the title suggests, this post is going to be an explanation on why I hate the word 'clique'. Okay, hate may be too strong a word, but I just dislike the usage of that word.
Why so?
According to the dictionary, clique means 'a small close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them'. Doesn't it suggest a very selfish kind of behaviour? I just cringe at the idea of being in a 'clique'. Rather, I'd prefer to call them as 'my (usual) group of friends' , or by the name we've came up with together. Although we're grouped up, it doesn't mean that we do not welcome the others to share our joy. That is, if you're not regarded as weird and annoying to anyone of us. What's more important is that we can be comfortable with each other. We can function independently, and even if only some of us in the group have an outing, the others wouldn't mind. There will be no drama, no quarrels etc. If a group is classified as a clique, it seems as though they would always have to be as a group.
Also, the word 'clique' sounds very childish. It sounds as though one is trying too hard to distinguish the different group of friends. "Oh this is my clique so you're not welcomed here" etc. Such mindsets really disgust me.
Despite all these said, some people should also learn how to get the hint when a group (or an individual) doesn't want to hang out with you.
Just a random rant (not targeted at anyone ok) lol bye.