Life doesn't stop for anyone.

10:40 PM

I've been walked on, used and forgotten and I don't regret one moment of it, because in those moments, I've learned a lot. I've learned who I can trust and can't. I've learned the meaning of friendship. I've learned how to tell when people are lying and when they are sincere. I've learned how to be a teenager, and how to grow up when I need to. This is life, live it one day at a time. You never know how many days you've got left.
(cr: tumblr)

A very old picture up there, but it's one of the happiest moment during my JC life. This was taken during our last CT lesson in J1. The 18 of us. All of us had the same fear then - the fear of retaining. We wanted to promote together as a class, but we knew that it wouldn't be easy given the high retain rate every year. Despite that, we made sure that we still had fun together, until the very end. 

Many things have changed since then. Classes became quieter, and it always felt as though something was missing. Also, with our different schedules and timetables, we drifted. That's inevitable, sadly. I really missed the 2013 13A02, but I knew I had to move on no matter what. 

Well, the main point of this post is mainly to thank God for putting us together as a class. I never had such a bonded and lovely class. Despite all the stress in JC, they always help me to forget about the stress and even the other unhappiness for awhile. I looked forward to school for the first time ever, and also met many good friends. I really can't imagine my JC life in another class.. how different would I be now? 

I'm really so thankful to have met every single one of them, and although all of us have gone separate ways, I hope one day we'll still be able to come together as a class, think and look back at all the embarrassing and happy moments we had together as a class. It might not be soon, but I sincerely hope that that day will come. :-)

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