DVC Week B with S6.
7:04 PM
A throwback to about three weeks ago! About the day camp with the kids heh.
Here goes, for the first week!
Day 1 with the Week B kiddos! Didn't take much photos because I spent more time talking and bonding with them. Just did some administrative things and had some ice-breaker games and then the start of experiments. It was probably the most chill day out of the whole camp! I had a really good start to this job because of this too. Talked to some kids and they were so willing to open up!
The best talk I had on that day was with Reyez (who ended up on my favourites list lol). He looked so dazed and emo at the start, so I approached him and asked him why he's not talking to his group mates. He told me that he doesn't really like talking to people and all and I tried encouraging him to bond with his group mates. He really opened up to me during that talk, and shared with me about him as a person and all his knowledge about the nature and all. I didn't even try to sustain the conversation but he just went on. Then I realized he's probably the kind of child who seems shy on the surface but isn't actually when you talk to him more.
Day 2, the excursion to the Jurong Frog Farm. I kinda dreaded it because I'm not very fond of frogs.. they just look so intimidating don't they?!
All the curious souls when faced with Papa Frog and Mama Frog.
The funny thing was that most of them were so scared of the frogs. They seemed so enthusiastic when we asked them if they were excited for this trip. When the guide took the frogs out, all of them ran for their lives in different directions lol (ok I'm exaggerating but you get the idea).
Aviel and Sher Ren! The two brave souls who dared to take pictures with the frogs on their heads.
They had the chance to feed the frogs too. I think they enjoyed this the most out of the whole excursion!
Feeding (or throwing the food at) the frogs.
Was so disgusted when I saw this.. and it was like x10 of this. So afraid that they'd jump up or something lololol.
The tour continued with showing us the different stages in the life cycle of a frog. Some recap for my primary school science too lol.
Morning tea time for them (and us too).
Went back to school after for lunch and continued with the projects and experiments for the day! This was one of them - the talking frog puppets. All done with their tiny hands and creative heads!
Time for them to head home after a tiring day out!
Didn't take much pictures on Day 3 as well. It was just a day spent in the school doing experiments and playing games! This was taken when they were rehearsing for their concert item for the last day! So adorableeeeeeee.
Went to Gardens by the Bay for half a day for Day 4! This was taken during their morning tea there!
Serious kids at work!
We only walked through the Palm Trees area and the Sun Pavilion! They were all so amazed at the huge cactus and kept asking questions lol.
What they've been waiting for!!
They totally went crazy here. Running in all directions and climbing around.
Acting like Spiderboys and Spidergirls while singing the Spiderman song lol.
Happily hopping around!
This is probably the most dangerous play area I've ever seen in my life lol. But all of them were so adventurous and climbed all over!
Back to school to continue with the experiments for the day!
Day 5! The final day with them. I was really so sad on this day because I know that I'll never ever see them again after that day. Really tried to capture all the moments that day.
The last morning tea together sobz.
Completed the experiments rather early and so we had quite a bit of free time! They were given some time to take pictures with their classmates and with us and this three adorable boys approached me for a solo shot together!! I was really so shocked especially when Sher Ren requested for a photo together with me.
With Rui Jie! Feat. photobomber Sher Ren lol. A very loud-spoken individual in class and always willing to help out his classmates!! :-)
One with Aviel who kept pestering me for a photo lol. He didn't ask me when we had the time to take and only remembered while we were leaving the class for the concert, so I just told him we'll take later when we've the time. So throughout the whole journey to the concert venue, he kept asking, "Teacher when are we going to take a picture??" So hilarious hahaha lol.
One with Sher Ren! (inserts heart eyes x100000) My head looks so huge beside his but that's not the point lol. I just love this boy so much!! He seems so soft-spoken and shy on the surface, but he's always taking the initiative to talk to me! It really shocked me when he did it the first time, but he did so for the rest of the days. He'll always tell me jokes and laugh by himself lol. & he's a really clever boy for a P1. He answered correctly almost all the questions that were posed during class & he's always sharing more about his own knowledge about the things taught. Just so impressed with him and I really miss him so much. T_T
One with the noisemaker Ee Thern! Quite shocked when he approached for a photo too. He has this super amusing character lol. Can't contain my laughter whenever he speaks hahaha. When he's being punished, he'll ask in this super innocent voice with his eyes wide open, "Why? Why do I need to see the principal?" It's just so hilarious hahaha. Another funny thing was about the milo that was served for their tea breaks. After tasting the milo for the first time on the first day, he refused to drink another when it was served on the other days, so I asked him why, and he said "This is the not nice milo again right?" in this super adorable voice. He's really the joy of the class!
Ee Thern and Lucas! Lucas is one of my favourite student in class too, so I was quite disappointed when he didn't ask me for a photo together. So I went to ask him.. and he rejected me sobz T_T Reason being? He doesn't take pictures with girls. #okcan
But I really love Lucas so much too!!! Always camping at the back of the queue since day 1. I'll ask him "Why are you the last again?!" and he'll give me this super adorable smile. Once he answered, "Because I like being the last" and gave this smile lol. Anyway, I like him because he's a really sensible boy! Totally well-behaved and a very mature boy for his age! He'll always come and ask me for the things to take note for the next day before they depart for home, and he'll give this super serious face showing that he's trying really hard to not forget anything I said. All the kids in the class really like him too and some even chose him as their 'best friend'. But when Lucas was faced with the question, he just replied "Nobody" in a very cool manner. He'll definitely grow up to be a heartbreaker lol.
While nomming on his cookie. Too cute not to post heheh.
Other than the disappointment from Lucas, I was quite upset that I didn't get a photo with Reyez too. I didn't approach Reyez for a photo unlike the case for Lucas. Reyez has a very similar personality with Sher Ren so I really like him too! He may be blur at times, but deep down, he's such a sweetheart! On the 4th day, he went to hold my hand on his own accord while we were walking to the foyer! I was really so shocked but that made my day more than anything else! :') He's also always sharing more about himself and his knowledge about the most random things lol. Once, while we were heading to the canteen to prepare for lunch, he said, "I want to write a book about myself, so that when I die, people can read about me." I was literally in shock when I heard that. Really?? From a P1?! What's happening to the world?!
This was the final rehearsal we had for our concert item. Really proud of the 16 of them for going through the five days!!
Still had extra time after that and went back for a final game of Whacko together! Ee Thern has a phobia of this game and always shows this super sad face when we choose to play this game. It's because he always gets whacked before he could call his classmate's name hahaha.
Finally, concert time!
Didn't take much pictures when they performed because I was recording a video lol. Just so proud of them at the end of it and I was tearing up like a retard. But they really did so well?!!
There was a prize-giving ceremony after that and this was for the Best Camper! We nominated Lucas for our class and the rest of the class was so surprisingly supportive?! They were the only ones who cheered when Lucas was called from our class to receive the award! Just too adorable!!! :')
On a more shocking note, We won the Best Class award! It was super shocking for us because we never expected it. & check out Ee Thern who went up so willingly to collect the prize for the class! He was so happy as seen from his smile in the photo!
It was truly an amazing 5 days with them! Time spent with them made me learn how to treasure every moment in my life, which made me so happy for the week despite the fatigue! Just love all 16 of them so much and I'm rather bummed by the fact that I'll never ever see them again (unless by some pure coincidence?).
I'm just really thankful for this opportunity to go through this and meet them. I truly wish that they'll all grow up to be wonderful and inspiring individuals! Of course, not forgetting, a happy childhood for them despite all the stress that they might possibly face in this society. Really hope to see some of them in the future too if it's possible?! :-)