Thank you.

8:24 AM

Here for a really quick update~

Post-finals food!!! Yes bread is still there but J agreed that it was delicious hahaha.

Can't remember the name of this restaurant but the food was pretty amazing! Good food, good ambiance and good company~ Photos definitely do zero justice to the food... but if I ever try to take pictures of my food with my soon-to-crash iPhone5s, it really goes to show that the food is worth the try.

Photo with your "Eiffel Tower" at the back lolol. But thank you for the time together. :-)

And.. thank you for this. :')

I know it's just a simple gesture from his side.. but the quick research he did on "benefits of wheatgrass" before buying this and eventually getting this for me really touched me. Especially when I only just told him earlier in the morning about me losing my voice and he got this for me when we met for a quick dinner at night.

Really praying hard that I'll recover before tonight's event.. !!! Which I will blog about it sometime later again. Till then~

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