but.. how?

1:45 AM

"You'll know it when you're in love."

"You won't feel dread that often."

"More anticipation and.. you're just in love."

"You'll just know it."

Just rejected these words the time someone told me this. I just thought I'd never be able to feel that way with my character being so free-spirited and "independent". I just can't stand the thought of being together with someone and feeling "tied down".

"If you're in love, you won't feel tied down."

"One day, you'll know it when you're really in love."

Emotional attachments, lovely dovey words - I thought, "Spare me."
Being in a relationship/anything similar to that just feels like a handcuff on me; my heart yearns to break free but there's that lingering and inseparable weight with me.

But.. I guess, things and perspectives really can change when..
You really fall in love.
Especially, when you fall in love with someone who matches almost perfectly with you.

Neither of us are the type to express our emotions through words (something that I personally don't find gratification from), but rather, actions. Knowing how he finds it so difficult to express his rawest emotions through words makes every of his word mean so much to me. Because, I know they really come from his heart.

Furthermore, I really love it how we took it slow. My sister and friends have been asking me periodically (esp my sister lolol) on our status.. but my answer always disappoints them.

"But.. why?" 

I guess both of us never felt like we were ready for this commitment and wanted to take things slow and build things up on a stronger foundation, which I'm really glad that we did so. It taught me how to enjoy every moment we had together, though I still had those occasional moments when I wished to be back to who I am without him.. but the past year has been such an amazing journey together.

In the past as a kid, I always thought this is how people get together. Like they'd at least befriend each other for a year or two before deciding to get attached. This thought of mine was busted when I broke this self-created ideal myself.

Today, I am really glad that both of us chose this route rather than following the "norm". Because of this, we haven't had a single quarrel ever since the day we got closer (other than the mini debates over political/social issues), and we really got to know each other's character and preferences so much better.

Feeling particularly thankful for him tonight because of the good ride back together after the comms ball.. him holding on while he took his quick snooze on the ride back made me felt so secure and rested at that moment. I thought the goodbye when I sent him off to Taiwan would be the toughest, but it actually isn't. Tonight's goodbye felt the most difficult.

Our (almost) goodbye after we alighted; 
Byeeee see you. 
*holds on* 
Nooo I'll send you back.
Huh? But my house is just so near.
No it's okay. 
*pulls me along with him to where he parked* 
Let's just do something lame. 
(referring to him sending me back when my house is just across the street)
It's really okay, I can walk back by myself.
But it's just across the street?
Okay then I'll walk you back.
Huh but you'll need to walk back later. It's really okay!
Then let me send you home.
Nooo it's really okay. 

"Thank you for everything tonight:) wouldn't have it any other way ❤️"

Same here ❤️

Thank God for you.

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